Sunday, March 28, 2010


All the Hurleys had a fun day at the Pacific Science Center. Here they all are standing in a dinosaur footprint. (Chase 8, Ryder 5, Adam 4, Ashtyn 2, Ava 22 months.)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ryder literally lost his tooth!

So after weeks of talking about his wiggly and loose tooth, it finally fell out! We knew it was going to come out soon, it was barely hanging on, but tonight without knowing Ryder lost his tooth in the shower and it went down the drain! I think that I was more disappointed than he was! The tooth fairy was nice enough to visit even though he had no tooth to put under his pillow. "Mom, she's magic, she knows I lost it!" Ryder lost his first tooth about a year earlier than Chase did.

Ashtyn didn't want her picture taken, in the past few weeks she has really started to act like a 2 year old, what happened to my little angel?

Monday, March 8, 2010

French Braids!

I finally attempted braiding all of Ashtyn's hair and I did a pretty good job! She was patient for the most part and it was very cute on her, as you can see. I don't know how often I will do this, it takes awhile and I don't always have the time.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Zoo with Papa

While Brian is recuperating from his surgery the rest of us, (me, Ryder and Ashtyn; Chase was with his dad), enjoyed the nice warm, (about 60 degrees), weather at the zoo with Papa! The gorillas are always a hit. Ashtyn was really into the animals and what they were doing this time. She especially loved the penguins and I wish I would have gotten a picture of her watching them swim by, she just kept giggling.

Monkey see...

Monkey do!