Friday, April 30, 2010

Ryder's Kindergarten Spring Tea

It was a lovely luncheon and tea! It was fun to get dressed up and use our special tea cups. We only have two, thank goodness that is all we needed. The kids sang 3 songs and then joined the adults to have lunch and tea. I did drink tea, however Ryder had apple juice. I can hardly believe that he is smiling!

Ryder with his classmates, Joshua and Soren and his teacher, Mrs. Furnas.

Nana gave me two tea cups when Brian and I married, (I think they were her Nana's), this may be the first time I've used them. Ryder felt very fancy drinking from his cup.

I believe the song is entitled, "Moms are special", very sweet!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Keeping up with the boys

Even though it was raining rather hard, Ashtyn had fun sitting under the umbrella watching Ryder play tball and Daddy coaching. It can be a little exhausting keeping up with the boys' activities. She just goes with the flow...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Baseball Season Has Begun!

Chase's game started way too early on a Saturday morning, (my morning to sleep in!), 9 AM. It was a bit cold but at least it wasn't raining! Chase had a really good game. He made a couple of good plays and had two good hits! The more he plays the better he gets! Man, there are a few kids on his team that are amazingly good for 8 years old! I actually have been looking forward to Chase's games because they are really fun to watch. Finally! Chase has a really good coach and Brian is helping too. They still don't keep score at this age, but Chase's team, "Orange Crush" definitely won.

Ashtyn and Ryder had fun at the playground during Chase's game. Ryder was even able to play with a boy from his class, his older brother was on the team that Chase was playing. Thanks Papa Kent for being there so I could watch Chase's game.

From one game to the next! Ryder's game started at noon and it was really starting to get cold! Luckily the rain held off until the game was almost over. We all looked like drowned rats! The kids thought it was great being out in the pouring rain! Brian is the Coach of Ryder's team, the Huskies and Papa Kent is helping to coach too! As usual Ryder can't just give me a little smile.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

An Egg-cellent Easter!

Unfortunately, Chase was not with us Easter morning. Ashtyn and Ryder had no problems finding their baskets that the Easter Bunny left for them. Chase found his basket later and before I could get a picture.

The best part of the day, the Easter egg hunt! Papa was there to make sure that nothing was missed. They all took it very seriously and we were thankful that it did not rain!

After the hunt I hoped to get a picture of them together and as you can see, Ryder did his best to do the exact opposite of what I was telling him to do. Mission accomplished!

We came back inside and Grandma help them to count all the loot!

Ashtyn brought over this little book for Grandpa to read to her, it was very sweet! She sat and listened to every word!