Monday, June 27, 2011

Tate's First Major League Game!

Tate's first Seattle Mariner game and they are playing the Braves! He slept through most of the game but managed to wear his Braves hat. Chase and Brian were also rooting for their beloved Atlanta Braves. Ryder, Ashtyn and Papa cheered for the home team and when the Mariner's were losing late in the game Ryder joined in with his "rally cap". The Braves won and also won the next two games! The kids and I bought tickets for daddy and papa for a late father's day outing. I swear that Papa Kent was with us, sorry dad for not getting a picture!

Friday, June 24, 2011

On the Drill Team

At the Strawberry Festival parade we saw a few drill teams perform. I wondered at the time if Ashtyn would pretend to be on the drill team. About a week later, here she is with her boots on marching, moving her arms and pretending to lead the drill team with her whistle.

Ryder's 7th Birthday Sleepover

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Ryder's End of the Year Award

Ryder received an award for being most caring and cooperative in his class. He was presented the award at the end of the year assembly today. Ryder continues to surprise us, at home he can sometimes be less than cooperative. At least we know he is learning from his mistakes at home and behaving at school, (guess we're doing something right). Here he is with his teacher, Ms. Finch. Chase had her for first grade too, I think that she is a wonderful teacher. If only they could all be like her!

Ryder's friend Jaxon also received an award for best effort.

The last day of school is always so fun!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Strawberry Festival Parade

Tonight we headed to downtown Marysville and met some friends for the annual Strawberry Festival parade. Brian put out our chairs last night so we were sure to get a spot. We were lucky to not get rained on and the kids had so much fun!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Ryder is 7!

Ryder started his day off with french toast for breakfast. He couldn't wait to open his presents and got right to opening them before breakfast. Then off to school he went and at lunchtime I brought popsicles, per his request, to school to share with his class. (Wish I would have gotten a picture but I forgot to take one!)

Happy Birthday to Ryder, Happy Birthday to you!

Nana came over for dinner to celebrate Ryder's big day. He picked white cake with white frosting for dessert. (Just like his daddy.)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Visiting Great Grandma

Great Grandma is doing really well at the rehab center. She especially loves it when Grandma brings her dog, Sammy to visit. We were lucky enough to come when Sammy was there. We are so glad to see her doing so well. She couldn't wait to hold Tate and get a picture.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

End of the Season... well, almost

All of our regular season games are over but there are a few championship games still to be played. Chase's team is currently in first place in the minors division. Ryder's team had their team party today after a little game of parents vs kids. Coach Joel had some very nice things to say about Ryder when he presented him with his trophy. As always the "Orange Crush" is our favorite team to be on, we only wish that Chase could have played for Coach Joel again.

Friday, June 10, 2011

End of the School Year BBQ

Thanks, Papa for coming to lunch! Chase and Ryder were so happy to have me and Papa, (Ashtyn and Tate too, both declined to have their pictures taken, one was sleeping the other was shy), join them for lunch at school.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Jump-date with Brooklyn

We found a new place to play in Bothell, Jump Planet. Ashtyn and Brooklyn had so much fun!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Star Student

With just a few weeks of school to spare, Ryder made star student this year! The highest honor at Grove Elementary. I was told by Ryder's teacher a couple of months ago that Ryder was almost star student but he need to work on his voice level. (Preachin' to the choir, sister!) Well I'm so proud that he was able to achieve this award before the end of the year. For being a star student he got a necklace, a certificate, a pencil, and he gets to sit at a special star student table at lunch occasionally. And I found out that he is the only boy in his class to be star student. Impressive! He was very excited, maybe more because he was the first to be star student in our house, Chase has yet to receive the honor.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Stick 'em up!

I just had to snap a photo of him sleeping with his hands up like this. He slept like this for quite a while, funny! He's 6 weeks today and falling right in line with his brothers and sister is starting to sleep through the night already! He's smiling at Mama and a few times has cooed too, so cute!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Sweet Little Man

Our Tater-Tot is 5 weeks, hard to believe. We've started to develop a routine, just wish that he would skip a few of those night time feedings.