Saturday, January 28, 2012

Tate is 9 Months!!

 He's starting to stand up by himself, still no crawling, maybe he'll take after his sister and never crawl.

 Ryder is such a proud big brother.

 Our sweet boy!

Boys and their trucks...

Monday, January 16, 2012

Snowy Holiday Weekend

Ryder has been asking to paint for a few weeks now and finally I let them. They each had several pieces to paint and had a lot of fun doing it.

We got a few inches of snow each day over the past 3 days. The kids could've stayed outside playing in the snow all day if I let them. Tate bundled up and came outside to check out the snow for a few minutes.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Tate is 8 Months!

Tate has done a lot in the last month! He's clapping, plays patty-cake, starting to wave bye-bye, says, "da-da", now has two teeth and likes to stand up, (with support), more and more. He is such a happy baby and enjoys playing with all his new toys from Christmas.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Ashtyn's First Big Stage Performance

The dance company that Ashtyn dances at had their Winter Showcase, Ashtyn's dance group, all 3 & 4 year olds, did a special performance to start the show. She did great and it was so fun to see her on the big stage. Tate and I watched from the balcony. Here she is on the balcony waiting for her curtain call.