Sunday, March 25, 2012

Fun in the Tub

I can't believe that Tate is already 11 months. Only one month to go until he's one, a little sad for me. He had his first bath today in the big tub. Ashtyn had to join in too!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Ashtyn's Special Day at Preschool


 Line-leader... oh, how exciting to be line-leader. Ashtyn got to lead the line twice, once for chapel and then again for the playground.

 Tell, not show... she brought her Lalaloopsie for her special show and tell.

Snack time prayer... being the special person she gets to choose which prayer to say before snack time. She chose the superman prayer, a favorite, I can remember Chase and Ryder choosing the same one.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Basketball 2012

Chase loved playing basketball! He scored one basket all season, I'm so glad he got at least one, last game of the season of course and I nearly cried! Oh how everyone cheered for him, it made me proud!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Tate is 10 Months!!

Our little guy is really starting to get the hang of standing and "cruising" all by himself. He still isn't crawling... yet! He's just getting his 3rd tooth. He loves to watch our cat, Boo and even tries to say, "kitty". He seems to be all-boy, preferring to play with his cars, trucks, trains and balls.