Saturday, February 27, 2010

Ashtyn and Sarah's sleep over

Ashtyn and Sarah had so much fun on their first sleep over. They didn't get to sleep on the floor in the playroom like Ryder and Evan but they seemed to have fun. They played very well together, no fights. (I can't say the same for Ryder and Evan.) They were born 2 weeks apart and I hope they will be life long friends!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Fun Day at Dance

This reminds me of the famous movie quote, "Nobody puts Baby in the corner!". No she wasn't put in the corner as a punishment, she was just taking after her big brother and being stubborn.

Ashtyn got the cutest little dance outfit from Nana for her birthay. She looks like a real dancer now! She was watching from the corner, no picture for her today.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Batman Cupcake Social

Wow! February sure is a busy month for birthdays. After decorating their own cupcakes, (I was so excited that it was a nice day so we could do this outside), we all sang happy birthday to Chase (8), Ashtyn (2) and Adam (4), our three birthday kids.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Be Mine Happy Birthday!

We went to visit Grandma and Papa for our long President's day weekend. We had a lot to celebrate with Ashtyn's birthday, Chase's birthday and Valentine's day. Unfortunately Ryder was sick for most of our visit. While Ryder was feeling better we made it to the Portland Children's Museum.

Ashtyn making a clay creation with Papa.

On Valentine's day we had a few friends over and celebrated all of the February birthdays, including our new friend little Olivia who just turned one!

Thanks for all the great gifts!

Rub-a-dub-dub, three kids in a tub. They love Grandma's big tub with the jacuzzi jets!

The boys had to take a paddle of course! It was cold but they got a ride in before we left. Oh how they love the paddle boat!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Our Princess is 2!

Our baby is 2, I can't believe it!

Ashtyn is such a big girl! I love it that she is still very much a mommy's girl, she still pretty much wants me for everything. Such a difference from her brothers who seemed to only want daddy. She differs from the boys in so many ways, yet she loves them so much and tries her best to do just what they are doing. She still isn't a big talker, but she is definitely talking more. She goes to the Little Gym once a week and also is taking a dance class once a week. At the Little Gym she loves to hang and swing on the bars and climbs on everything! She tries her best to dance like teacher in her dance class and I think she does a pretty good job! In this year I hope so much for her, but mostly I hope she potty trains soon!