Monday, August 16, 2010

Hurley Family Vacation Day 3 - Danville

We made pretty good time yesterday and made it to Danville from Lake Oswego in about 11 hours. The kids did very well in the car, we stopped only 2 times and made it to Danville in time for dinner. Our first stop was our old stomping grounds, San Ramon Valley High School. A lot has changed in the years since we graduated. Some things remained the same, like the main hall, here the kids are at the entrance. Oh, the memories!

Here Chase is pointing to one of the years that Brian played and they were NCS Champions!

At the bottom of the sign it reads, "Gift from the class of 1994". Go Wolves!

Here's the whole gang at the Starbucks in Downtown Danville. (Chase 8, Rylee 9, Lola 2, Ashtyn 2, Ryder 6, Max 7)

Let's Bowl! One of Max's favorite past times is bowling, (he even has his own bowling shoes), we met a few friends at the Danville Bowl and had a fabulous time!

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