Monday, September 13, 2010

So excited to ride the bus!!

The beginning of the second week of school and I let them take the bus. (Only in the mornings.) I tried to just get a casual picture of Ryder getting on the bus, I didn't want to embarrass him, but the bus driver saw me with my camera and told him to stop and look at me. Brian is convinced that he'll be teased for the embarrassment of his mother taking his picture. Look at that smile, he was just excited to get on the bus the last thing his is thinking is that I took a picture. All the kindergarteners and first graders get on the bus first and have to sit in the front of the bus so Chase didn't get on with him but they did sit together. Ryder waved from his window seat as the bus drove off. When I picked them up at the end of the day I heard all about the bus rules and apparently Ryder sat with a boy from his class that also lives in our neighborhood. For Chase it was no big deal of course, he is already an expert at riding the bus. Now I just need to get the nerve to let them ride the bus home.

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