Sunday, November 14, 2010

Harry Potter Exhibition at the Pacific Science Center

Today we went to the much anticipated Harry Potter Exhibition. Chase just recently finished the first book. It would have been nice to have seen all of the movies or have read all the books before going. From the moment we entered it was so fun! They really did a great job with it.

After the exhibition we made our way over to the rest of the Pacific Science Center. On this trip we were actually there during feeding time for the snakes. They get fed once a week and as much as I didn't want to watch it was hard not to. I had to take a picture of Ashtyn watching the snake eat. At this point when I took the picture it had already started swallowing it, but Ashtyn was down there right in front of it the whole time. She was so interested. The boys were watching too but not quite like Ashtyn.

Looks like someone isn't afraid of the snakes.

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