Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Birthday Boy Tate!

Tate in his birthday suit on his birthday. Oh my how big he is from one year ago when I first met him.

We went to Great-Grandma's for lunch and Tate ate every last crumb of his birthday cupcake at Grandma's.

Tate playing with his birthday gifts from all of us...

Tate will always be the baby of the family but he is growing so fast! He'll soon be walking by himself and he is always on the go. He adores Chase and really gets excited when he sees him. He is starting to feel the same about Ryder as well. He is pretty much just tolerating Ashtyn at this point. She likes to think that he is her baby and constantly picking him up and trying to carry him around. It won't be long before he is toddling after her and she'll be tolerating him!

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