Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!!

Today, for Father's Day the kids and I got Brian a new Satellite radio for his car, (a replacement for an older one that stopped working). We had a bit of a late night last night over at Scott's house and Brian got up early this morning to head down to the Fire Station, (what dedication). When he got home he installed his new radio in the car with a little help. It's all in and now he and the boys can get back to rockin' out in the car.
Happy Father's Day, Daddy, Papa Kent and Papa Jeff, we love you!!

My first try at video, I'm so excited!! It is really short, but the longer it is the longer it takes to upload!
Ashtyn is becoming such a big girl! She wants to do everything her brothers do. I think that she is also becoming a bit of a Daddy's Girl, which Brian secretly loves.

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