Wednesday, June 10, 2009

School's out for summer... almost

Chase has only 4 days of school left!!! Today, Ryder, Ashytn and I were invited to a BBQ at Chase's school. We all waited our turn, standing in line for our school provided lunch. (Actually, not too bad!) Then we headed out to the school field and had a little picnic. Ryder was so excited to eat lunch with his big brother at school!

Ashtyn LOVES watermelon! She ate up Chase's, Ryder's and mine!

Chase and his teacher Mrs. Kelly. Chase had a great year, Mrs.Kelly is a wonderful teacher, I wish he could have her again next year!

Chase also had a student teacher for the last couple of months, Mrs. Fisher.

The "web" at Chase's school. No surprise to me that Ryder climbed to the top of this with no trouble, he was up there before I knew it. And you can see Ashtyn at the bottom wishing she could get up there too!

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