Wednesday, July 29, 2009


High of 109 today! I feel like we are living in Arizona. No matter what we do we cannot get the house cool enough. So, luckily the back yard is almost entirely shaded in the afternoon, so we have been spending a lot of time there. The kids have had so much fun with sprinklers, hoses, buckets of water, you name it - anything to fight the heat. Ashtyn now knows that when we go outside that she needs to strip down and get her swimming diaper on. I don't have to say anything, she starts trying to get her clothes and diaper off and brings me the swim diaper. My smart little girl! It seems strange but Ryder really doesn't like being sprayed with the hose, sprinkler, etc. Chase and Ashtyn on the other hand can't get enough.

Ashtyn's first Popsicle! I've tried to give her one before and she hasn't liked it because it must be too cold. But the Popsicle has certainly become a favorite for everyone in this hot weather. She loves them now and has had several since, nearly knocking her brothers out of the way to get hers. She makes sure she is not forgotten.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Far-away Friends

Our good friends, the Rittenhouse's are in town from South Carolina. We were so glad that they were able to come over for a "cook-out", (as they say in the south). We sure missed them when they moved, nearly 2 years ago now. The years didn't seem to matter to the boys, they had a wonderful time playing together. Chase and Zach were in preschool together and they re-bonded (is that a word?) playing legos and the Wii together. Ryder and Josh are about the same age too and it was so fun seeing how they all have grown up.

When they moved, Matthew was just a few weeks old and look at him now, 2 already! Ashtyn as usual is hamming in up.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Houghton Beach

With the summer in full-swing we met Auntie Kate, Adam and Ava at Houghton Beachpark in Kirkland. A great beach and park on Lake Washington. The weather was wonderful and the kids spent a lot of time playing in the sand. Usually they are in the water most of the time but today it was the sand. In the picture, Ashtyn is not happy that Chase is buring her foot in the sand. She stood there and cried until I picked her up.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Family Day!

Today, we went to Fairhaven, (it is just south of Bellingham). It is a cute little town with lots of cute shops and restaurants. They also had a great walking trail that wound along the water and in one spot even went out into the water, very cool!

We walked along for a while until we reached a playground and coffee shop and decided that would be a good place to stop. Of course I got some pictures of the kids, aren't they adorable? Ashtyn is really perfecting her cheesy smile.

Pictures like this make me realize how fortunate Brian and I are to have three healthy, happy, and wonderful children.

Friday, July 17, 2009


Our friends, Elizabeth and Jason came over tonight with their kids, Evan and Sarah. We barbecued and the kids played. Sarah and Ashtyn had the most fun playing in the little house.

Sarah was born just 2 weeks after Ashtyn and I believe they will be very good friends, they play very well with one another.

Jason made cupcakes for all of us and the girls certainly enjoyed them! We practically had to hose them down!

We had a great dinner, but the real fun for Chase, Ryder and Evan was the first-time-ever sleepover for all of them. They all slept on the floor in their sleeping bags. They watched TV for a while but after all the day's excitement they fell asleep pretty quickly. They are so grown up!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Zoo Day

The summer days seem to be getting longer and longer. Not only for Chase and Ryder but definitely for me as well. A trip to the zoo seemed to be the solution today, lots of space for the kids to run. We all had a great time and the weather cooperated nicely.

Where are those animals? Keep looking...

About half way through our time at the Zoo, Papa joined us on his way home from work. He met us at the Carousel.

Here we are a the new penguin exhibit. It certainly is better than the old one, the kids loved it. While the boys were getting wet at the new fountain they have there, Papa snapped a picture of Ashtyn.

I would have to say that by far the boys had the most fun feeding the birds. We must have spent 45 minutes in here so they could feed the birds with these seed sticks. They thought it was so fun when the bird would sit on the stick and eat.

Check out this concentration. Finally we left when a bird attacked me, I was done. OK so maybe he didn't attack me. He flew from a seed stick that my dad was holding and I think he tried to land on me but it scared me and I kind of freaked out a little.

We went back to Papa's house after the Zoo for some dinner and of course everyone wanted to get in the hot tub. Papa took this picture of Ashtyn, aside from the drool, isn't it darling??!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Dress Up

Brian went to Kevin's last night to watch a UFC fight, Kate's in California so the boys had some brotherly bonding time. While Daddy was away Ashtyn, Ryder and Mommy had some fun! Gramma got her this cute dress up kit and here she is with all of her jewels and pretty skirt. I've secretly been waiting for the day when Ashtyn would start wearing little tutus and tiaras. she is such a girlie girl and I love it! (Especially after having two rough and tumble boys!) For Daddy's sake I did not get a picture of Ryder all dressed up! Don't worry, we don't have a cross-dressing 5 year old, just curious. When Brian got home we were all glad to see him. Brian and I were hugging and kissing a little (it's not like we were making out, I mean we're married!) and Ryder says, "Stop lovin' eachother!" Yes! We're embarrassing him already!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Happy Wedding Day, Torger and Joanna!

Congrats to my little cousin Torger and his bride. Torger looked so handsome and Joanna was very beautiful, lovely dress.

As hard as I tried to get these two to cooperate with me for a photo, this is the best I could get. They looked so cute in their matching outfits! They were very good during the wedding luckily it wasn't too long of a ceremony.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Lake Goodwin

We took advantage of the nice weather today and headed over to Lake Goodwin. (Ryder was there too, he was to busy to bother with a picture with his brother and sister.) To our surprise a few friends from school were there also and so Chase and Ryder had someone to play with. Ashtyn had so much fun playing in the sand and along the water!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Fun 4th in Lake Oswego

We started off our trip by going to Portland's Oaks Amusement Park. Wow it was hot! The other Hurleys met us there and spent the weekend along with us. It was so nice for Chase, Ryder and Ashtyn to spend the 4th with their cousins too!

Ashtyn normally will not eat ice cream because it is too cold for her, but with the temp. in the mid 90's who wouldn't want to eat something cold. Ryder was very nice to give her some licks of his ice cream.

All of the kids had fun playing in the pool at the Inn we stayed at but, I think that Ashtyn preferred the fountains at Millennium Park over the pool. Ava had a lot of fun in the fountain too, I sure wish I got one of the two of them, (I think that Kate did.) Ashtyn kept trying to sit on the water, very funny.

We sure had a lot of fun on our mini-vacation! The weather was gorgeous, maybe even too hot. Chase and Ryder had so much fun with Gramma and Papa, so much fun that it felt like we were on separate vacations. Here they are on Papa's boat, before I know it they will be driving it. Papa is already starting the lessons. (Thanks Mom for the pic.)

Are they all cute or what? There is nothing better than hangin' out on the lake! Thanks Gramma and Papa for such a fun time!

One last paddle on the lake before we left. Ashtyn kicked Ryder out of the passenger seat because that is were the princess sits you know. She sat there as nice as can be with her glasses on while Gramma paddle her around the canal. Such a Princess!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

A Day in the Life...

I just had to take these pictures. Ashtyn and Ryder fell asleep in the car this afternoon. Ashtyn was so tired because she had gotten up earlier than usual this morning that she fell asleep with a piece of ham hanging out of her mouth!

Ryder was in the middle of eating too, although he did not have any in his mouth. Chase of course hasn't napped for years, just playing his video game. He hadn't even noticed that we were home and in the garage. Well, off to go swimming at the YMCA...