Sunday, May 30, 2010

Super Star take 2

The school year is almost over and Ryder is the superstar one last time. This time he got to bring home Bailey the dog.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

A Night at the Races

Tonight we went to the Evergreen Speedway for, "60 Minutes of Fear". One of the dads on Chase's team races and he invited all the kids to come to the race. We all got to go down to the track to check out all the cars and the boys even got so sit in Darin's car. Darin didn't win his race, but we had a lot of fun watching. After his race other drivers did a crazy figure-8 race, quite a sight! They had a mascot there for the kids, Racey the Racoon and even though Ashtyn would have nothing to do with him, she made it her duty to keep her eye on him all night and kept us informed of his movements. (Probably so that he wouldn't get too close.)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Papa's Birthday!

Ashtyn helped to open Papa's present. Happy Birthday, we love you!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Ashtyn the Photographer

In an attempt to occupy Ashtyn at Ryder's game I let her play with my camera. A couple of days later I viewed the pictures and these where the best. Not too bad!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Chase's Pitching Debut!

Chase and his coach, Joel. He gave it a good first try. Looks like we need to add some pitching practice to the batting practice. It is so fun seeing him play! I just wish that Ryder and Ashtyn would sit and watch too! Brian was helping coach in the dugout.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day Batting Practice

Brian bought a batting and pitching practice net and today was the first day using it. Now we can do batting practice in our own backyard! The boys are totally into it, hope they continue to.

Chase was first to show how it's done... Ryder's turn, I love the look of concentration on his face!

Don't forget about Ashtyn! (She'll never lets us forget!) First Daddy shows her how to hold the bat..., a practice swing...

...and now all by herself! Our future softball star!

Here they are in action!

Such a nice treat on Mother's Day to have gorgeous weather. Brian made breakfast, (even after a night shift at the fire station!) and the kids all gave me their cards and gifts. Chase and Ryder made magnets at school for me! I am looking forward to cashing in all of my coupons that they all gave me too.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Ryder's Big Hit

This may not be one of the best hits, but certainly a good one! He is really powerful hitting and throwing, that is if he puts his mind to it.

And here he is playing first base. (Papa's out there coaching too!) It was a wonderful day for baseball.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Baby Love at the Zoo

Today at the Zoo, Ashtyn and her baby shared the joy of seeing all of the animals. They made sure to say hi and goodbye to all of them! She is so cute and such a good mommy! (My little M.I.T!)

Annie and Ellie were with us too. It was a fun day with just us girls, no boys allowed! The baby was in her stroller and didn't make it for the picture, I'm kind of surprised she didn't think of her! The baby was busy, sometimes riding in the stroller, riding on Ashtyn's back, Ashtyn even helped her to walk by herself a few times. Her baby is so worn out and dirty but I could never get rid of her, she is Ashtyn's best friend! She had many babies and plays with them all but this one is definitely her favorite!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Ashtyn's First Pedicure

Today I was painting my toe nails and for the first time Ashtyn asked me to paint hers too. How could I resist! She was very patient and sat very still. She is very proud of her painted toes! My mom says I am truly creating a princess, or as we like to call her the, M.I.T. (Mommy In Training).

Just look at these cute toes!