Monday, May 3, 2010

Baby Love at the Zoo

Today at the Zoo, Ashtyn and her baby shared the joy of seeing all of the animals. They made sure to say hi and goodbye to all of them! She is so cute and such a good mommy! (My little M.I.T!)

Annie and Ellie were with us too. It was a fun day with just us girls, no boys allowed! The baby was in her stroller and didn't make it for the picture, I'm kind of surprised she didn't think of her! The baby was busy, sometimes riding in the stroller, riding on Ashtyn's back, Ashtyn even helped her to walk by herself a few times. Her baby is so worn out and dirty but I could never get rid of her, she is Ashtyn's best friend! She had many babies and plays with them all but this one is definitely her favorite!

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