Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day Batting Practice

Brian bought a batting and pitching practice net and today was the first day using it. Now we can do batting practice in our own backyard! The boys are totally into it, hope they continue to.

Chase was first to show how it's done... Ryder's turn, I love the look of concentration on his face!

Don't forget about Ashtyn! (She'll never lets us forget!) First Daddy shows her how to hold the bat..., a practice swing...

...and now all by herself! Our future softball star!

Here they are in action!

Such a nice treat on Mother's Day to have gorgeous weather. Brian made breakfast, (even after a night shift at the fire station!) and the kids all gave me their cards and gifts. Chase and Ryder made magnets at school for me! I am looking forward to cashing in all of my coupons that they all gave me too.

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