I signed Chase up for Flag Football and I must say I was a little worried that he wouldn't like it. To my pleasant surprise he LOVES it! He listens very well to the coaches and tried out many positions. In the picture here it looks like he is protecting the ball carrier. He received the first MVP award for sacking the quarterback for his team.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Flag Football
I signed Chase up for Flag Football and I must say I was a little worried that he wouldn't like it. To my pleasant surprise he LOVES it! He listens very well to the coaches and tried out many positions. In the picture here it looks like he is protecting the ball carrier. He received the first MVP award for sacking the quarterback for his team.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Happy Birthday Auntie!
Soccer Monster
Monday, September 21, 2009
Oh no, time for homework
Starting Kindergarten means homework for Ryder. So today he got a homework packet for the first time. He has a week to complete it, thank goodness. (It comes home on Monday and he turns it in on Friday.) So, after school I asked Ryder if he wanted to do his homework and he was very excited about it initially. But almost immediately he wanted to give up, (something I'm used to with my experiences with Chase). He had to write his name in lower case letters, rather than the all caps that he knows. So after struggling with just the simple task of putting his name on his homework we put off the rest until after dinner. So after dinner here we are again, I insisted that he do at least one page from his packet, his choice. He started to complain that he didn't know what to do and didn't want to do it. To the rescue, (like a good big brother), Chase offered to help Ryder with his homework, (well, because he is a seasoned student now he can show Ryder the ropes). It doesn't happen often, (it is starting to happen more and more), but when Chase offers to help with his younger siblings I could practically burst with pride. So tonight in that moment I knew that I was raising a good kid. And to Ryder's credit he completed his page and then one more from his packet with his brother helping him. I had to capture this moment, could it be any sweeter?
Saturday, September 19, 2009
A Sea of Fans

I don't think that I have ever been so excited at a sporting event! (Well except for my senior year of high school when we beat Monte Vista after like 13 consecutive losses and then I was one of the students running onto the field). And I wasn't the only excited spectator as you can see. Everyone was on their feet celebrating and those who were close enough ran onto the field. You could just feel the energy everywhere. If I was this excited just try to imagine how Brian felt.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Kindergarten has come...FINALLY!
Here he is ready to go into his classroom with flowers in hand for his teacher. It is important to make a good first impression, you know, (especially if you're a rambunctious little boy). Just as I expected he went right in with no worries and as with Chase I had to remind him to say good bye and give me a kiss, (well and Ashtyn too). I feel very comfortable with him at Bethlehem Christian, I get such a warm feeling there and I'm sure he must feel it too. His teacher, Mrs. Ramich has been teaching there for years, however this is the first that we've had her. Having been taking Chase and Ryder to this school for going on our 5th year, the anxiety of the first day is minimal and I was really just very excited for him. But as I walked him up to the door I did have a moment of sadness. Watching him walk into the classroom I thought, now two of my babies have moved on to new experiences in their lives. No more are the toddler days, Ryder is now a -full day-grade schooler. They no longer need me quite the same way as before. He was so proud to be on his way and pretty much had the same attitude when I went to pick him up. So far so good. He reported to me that he ate all his lunch, had 3 recesses and received a gold star sticker for good behavior. What more could I ask for?
Just a few weeks ago I called him, "baby" and he told me that he was NOT a baby, he was a big boy! I said to him, "I know you're a big boy, but you'll still always be Mommy's baby". And after a moment of thought, he reluctantly said, "OK". He can be so fiercely stubborn and some moments can be terribly challenging with him. At the end of the day he will always be my baby no matter how old he gets. He still will crawl into bed with me at night occasionally and I have such a hard time saying no. With all of the running and jumping and energy that he usually has, it is only at those times that he is calm and will snuggle up close and quietly sleep next to me. I wouldn't say that he is a mama's boy though, (as much as I try). He tries as hard as he possibly can to do and be just like Brian. And even if he isn't trying, he is definitely his father's son through and through. With Ryder, my new motto is this: embrace the quirks!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
The Dawgs get the W
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Back to school day 2
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
For all you party people...
Despite waking up early and taking a half-hour nap, Ashtyn can still party.
What? A second grader already??
So my eldest child started the second grade today and I have one question, where did all the time go? I received a picture of Adam today on his first day of Preschool and it brought back so many memories. It seem like just yesterday Chase was heading off to Preschool and I was so excited and nervous for him. I guess my feelings haven't changed much, for this morning I felt very much the same, excited and nervous. He has truly accomplished a lot in his short 7-1/2 years. He's gone from the basics of learning to be a good friend in Preschool to the wonderful student and son that he is now. He has a love for reading and can read pretty much anything. He loves baseball and is starting flag football soon. He is the household Wii master. He is a good brother and is very helpful with his little sister. OK so he and Ryder fight a lot, but I don't see that changing anytime soon. Like every 7-1/2 year old he has his good times and bad, but mostly good times. It can be hard being the oldest.
Today I drove him to school and walked him to his classroom, like I have every day since that first day of Preschool. He walked in with flowers in hand for his teacher and I had to remind him to say good-bye to me and give me a kiss before I left, (at least he isn't embarrassed to kiss me yet). Tomorrow he will start taking the bus, he's been asking and I can't keep saying no. So tomorrow will be another first and again I will be excited and nervous for him, (mostly nervous). Brian asked me if I will be able to sleep tonight. I had to give it a second thought but I will be just fine, he has all the tools he needs.
We are so proud of him, he has accomplished everything that I dreamed he could, and more that I never thought about. I feel excited for his future, but for right now I'd like him to just be the 7-1/2 year old he is. When I can still sort-of remember when he was 19 months old, (like Ashtyn is now) and would play with his ears when he was tired.
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