Monday, September 21, 2009

Oh no, time for homework

Starting Kindergarten means homework for Ryder. So today he got a homework packet for the first time. He has a week to complete it, thank goodness. (It comes home on Monday and he turns it in on Friday.) So, after school I asked Ryder if he wanted to do his homework and he was very excited about it initially. But almost immediately he wanted to give up, (something I'm used to with my experiences with Chase). He had to write his name in lower case letters, rather than the all caps that he knows. So after struggling with just the simple task of putting his name on his homework we put off the rest until after dinner. So after dinner here we are again, I insisted that he do at least one page from his packet, his choice. He started to complain that he didn't know what to do and didn't want to do it. To the rescue, (like a good big brother), Chase offered to help Ryder with his homework, (well, because he is a seasoned student now he can show Ryder the ropes). It doesn't happen often, (it is starting to happen more and more), but when Chase offers to help with his younger siblings I could practically burst with pride. So tonight in that moment I knew that I was raising a good kid. And to Ryder's credit he completed his page and then one more from his packet with his brother helping him. I had to capture this moment, could it be any sweeter?

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