Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Back to school day 2

Staying good with my promise, Chase got on the school bus this morning. I was nervous, but there were several kids at the bus stop and one mom had good things to say about the bus driver, Miss Vanessa. Chase knew a few of the kids and did not seemed worried at all. (Now as it is getting closer to the time that school gets out I'm worried that he might not get on the bus or get on the wrong bus. I should have gotten him a cell phone!) I had no idea that we had so many kids around the neighborhood. We are pretty isolated on our street, I don't let the boys go beyond our street unless I am with them. I think I will be a nervous reck until he gets off the bus this afternoon.

Ryder still has a few more days until he begins Kindergarten. What will Ashtyn and I do without the boys all day long?? Finally get some peace and quiet! Ashtyn just started a Little Gym class. It is every Tuesday and she loves it!

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